The number of people that lost their lives in 2017 to DWI related crashes in New York. This represents 25% of all traffic-related deaths in the state.
The number of people were arrested in 2017 for impaired driving in New York.
Nationally, three out of ten people will be in an alcohol-related crash during their lifetime.
Drivers at .08 BAC are four times more likely to cause a crash than .00 BAC drivers.
Drivers at .15 BAC are twenty-five times more likely to cause a crash than .00 BAC drivers.
Blood-Alcohol Concentration or BAC measures the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. Each alcoholic beverage consumed will cause your BAC level to go up. That means having just one drink will begin to impact your sobriety.
Did you know each of the following drinks contains the same amount of alcohol?
If you drink more than 2 drinks per hour, you may be over the legal limit. Factors such as gender, body weight, and whether or not you have eaten recently can all have an effect on what your BAC level is.
The only thing that can sober you up is time. Not food, coffee, or any other substance.
Remember: impairment begins with your first drink. If you have to guess if you’re sober enough to drive, get a ride. There are no excuses.
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